Reviews, Character Blog, & Giveaway

Happy 2012, everyone! The year is off to a great start. I have my goals and resolutions written down and, dammit, I will follow through! LOL.

Right now through January 17th, we’re having a giveaway with two prizes: 1 signed set of Hoodoo books (Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa), and 1 signed copy of any of my titles. The giveaway is happening simultaneously on three blogs, so 3 chances to win! You can read the character blog, which is a little chat with Kallie, Belladonna, Jackson, and a hapless newcomer to Bayou Cypres Noir, then enter the contest. Or you can just skip down to the contest entry. No promises that Kallie won’t lay a trick on you if you do. Just saying. 😉 Just drop by On the Broomstick or Zombie Girl Shambling or Bookgirl Knitting or all three to enter.

Also, two truly awesome reviews for Black Heart Loa came out today. My Bookish Ways, a fantastic site for urban fantasy, suspense, horror and more, and On the Broomstick, a witchy and fun blogsite.

Black Moon Mojo will be the third book in the series and, yes, I’m working on it. 🙂

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