An Exciting New Direction

An Exciting New Direction

After HOURS of work, my good buddy Sean, his genius friend Angie, and I FINALLY fixed my website. I couldn’t log in. No one could log in. Sure, you could visit the site, check out the pages and links, even post a comment, or send me an email–but no one could log in or edit their profile, and I couldn’t access my dashboard at all. Gah!!!

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

I never want to see those words again. LOL. I now know a lot more about how to fix it, if I do.

On to the news!

Pocket will not be releasing book 6 of The Maker’s Song. Instead, they will release my humorous UF novel THINNING THE HERD as an e-book original later this year. Book 6 will be released through Lucky Bat Books either in December or January, to be followed by book 3 of Hoodoo and book 1 of Sons of Darkness (featuring Sundown and Sam Taliesin). I will also be releasing a short story collection this summer through Lucky Bat Books.

This will keep me very busy. LOL. Once I have firm dates for everything I will let everyone know.

So I’m off in an excited new direction with one foot in both worlds–Indie and Traditional. I’m very excited by this change. Working with Pocket has been wonderful, don’t get me wrong, and I plan to continue to work with them in the future. When it was decided that they wouldn’t continue with my UF series, I decided to continue them myself with the help of Lucky Bat Books. Neither The Maker’s Song or Hoodoo are finished yet. I have plenty of stories yet to tell. And thanks to Lucky Bat Books, I can do just that.

I’m also looking at getting all of my books in audio, as well.

Of course, the books will no longer be mass market paperback sized, but trade paperback sized and I have a feeling I’ll need to keep each book shorter in order to keep the cost down. I’ll find out as we move along in this new (for me) process. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me!! Your support means everything to me!

And now, just because this picture makes me happy– Sam from Supernatural.

Sam Supernatural

Caught Forever Between–A Hoodoo Story

Caught Forever Between–A Hoodoo Story

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve published a short story set in the world of my Hoodoo books (Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa) via my own Dreaming Nomad Books. “Caught Forever Between” features Gabrielle LaRue and Devlin Daniels, and you can enjoy the story without having read the books.

You can find it for sale on Smashwords (where you can read a free sample of the story), Amazon, and (free sample also available). A review of the story by’s own Paul Goat Allen absolutely floored me (in a good way. LOL)!

Deep in the bayou, justice comes in many forms.

When Cass finds her partner lying on the floor of their New Orleans tattoo shop in a pool of blood, the world as she knows it ends. Alex, her ink-slinging Michelangelo, lies in the hospital comatose, perhaps permanently.

Lacking faith in the police and their ability to find whoever shot Alex, Cass puts the word out that she’s seeking justice, justice she will willingly pay for.

When a Voodoo mambo offers the services of her mysterious godson, Cass finds herself stepping into a dark, deadly world, one that she may not walk out of again intact.

“Phoenix is a beautiful storyteller–her prose flows like poetry.”
–Explorations: the BN SciFi & Fantasy Blog

Reviews, Character Blog, & Giveaway

Happy 2012, everyone! The year is off to a great start. I have my goals and resolutions written down and, dammit, I will follow through! LOL.

Right now through January 17th, we’re having a giveaway with two prizes: 1 signed set of Hoodoo books (Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa), and 1 signed copy of any of my titles. The giveaway is happening simultaneously on three blogs, so 3 chances to win! You can read the character blog, which is a little chat with Kallie, Belladonna, Jackson, and a hapless newcomer to Bayou Cypres Noir, then enter the contest. Or you can just skip down to the contest entry. No promises that Kallie won’t lay a trick on you if you do. Just saying. 😉 Just drop by On the Broomstick or Zombie Girl Shambling or Bookgirl Knitting or all three to enter.

Also, two truly awesome reviews for Black Heart Loa came out today. My Bookish Ways, a fantastic site for urban fantasy, suspense, horror and more, and On the Broomstick, a witchy and fun blogsite.

Black Moon Mojo will be the third book in the series and, yes, I’m working on it. 🙂

Live Interview on Blog Radio September 18th

Hey all, I’ll be discussing Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa and hoodoo in general tonight LIVE on Talk Shoe with Jackie from Literary Escapism and Larissa from Larissa’s Bookish Ways. You can get all the details here.

I’ll be chatting with Jackie and Larissa at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific). Please drop by. It should be a blast!!



Layne Valin Guest Blog on Patricia’s Vampire Notes

Layne Valin Guest Blog on Patricia’s Vampire Notes

Layne Valin took time off from a nomad’s never-ending pursuit of the Road to drop by Patricia’s Vampire Notes to discuss what it’s like to be a Vessel of the Dead and to help celebrate the release of Black Heart Loa.

Layne Valin and an awesome giveaway open to international readers as well! Contest ends August 2nd, so drop by and enter now. And check out what Layne has to say while you’re there. 😉

Here’s a taste:

Vessel for the Dead. Ghost ship. Spirit cabinet. Crazy

I’ve been called them all. And the only one that ain’t true—yet—is the crazy tag. But supposedly that’s my fate. The end of the road for all Vessels—insanity and/or a desperate, usually messy, suicide by the time you hit your late teens or early twenties.
Me, I’m twenty-five. And working hard on kicking fate’s ass.
So, hey. Good to meetcha. My name’s Layne Valin and I’m a Vessel for the Dead. (Laughs) And no, this ain’t a Vessels Anonymous meeting. No such thing since this ain’t an addiction—Vessels are born, not made, and death seems to be the only cure.