An Exciting New Direction

An Exciting New Direction

After HOURS of work, my good buddy Sean, his genius friend Angie, and I FINALLY fixed my website. I couldn’t log in. No one could log in. Sure, you could visit the site, check out the pages and links, even post a comment, or send me an email–but no one could log in or edit their profile, and I couldn’t access my dashboard at all. Gah!!!

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

I never want to see those words again. LOL. I now know a lot more about how to fix it, if I do.

On to the news!

Pocket will not be releasing book 6 of The Maker’s Song. Instead, they will release my humorous UF novel THINNING THE HERD as an e-book original later this year. Book 6 will be released through Lucky Bat Books either in December or January, to be followed by book 3 of Hoodoo and book 1 of Sons of Darkness (featuring Sundown and Sam Taliesin). I will also be releasing a short story collection this summer through Lucky Bat Books.

This will keep me very busy. LOL. Once I have firm dates for everything I will let everyone know.

So I’m off in an excited new direction with one foot in both worlds–Indie and Traditional. I’m very excited by this change. Working with Pocket has been wonderful, don’t get me wrong, and I plan to continue to work with them in the future. When it was decided that they wouldn’t continue with my UF series, I decided to continue them myself with the help of Lucky Bat Books. Neither The Maker’s Song or Hoodoo are finished yet. I have plenty of stories yet to tell. And thanks to Lucky Bat Books, I can do just that.

I’m also looking at getting all of my books in audio, as well.

Of course, the books will no longer be mass market paperback sized, but trade paperback sized and I have a feeling I’ll need to keep each book shorter in order to keep the cost down. I’ll find out as we move along in this new (for me) process. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me!! Your support means everything to me!

And now, just because this picture makes me happy– Sam from Supernatural.

Sam Supernatural

OMW Night Owl Reviews Top Pick

OMW Night Owl Reviews Top Pick

I had just returned from a trip to Boise to attend the wake of a very dear friend, when I found out that Night Owl Reviews had chosen On Midnight Wings as a Top Pick. I am so thrilled! My sincere thanks to Night Owl Reviews and reviewer ELF. You can read the first part of the review here.

On Midnight Wings

Book Five of The Maker’s Song

This complex and alluring urban fantasy is filled with an almost overwhelming cast of characters who are disturbing yet mesmerizing. There is a sometimes dismaying amount of death and destruction yet one cannot help but feel empathy for the dichotomy personified in the main character, Dante. The adamantine bond which has been formed between him and his mortal lover Heather is delicious to observe yet its existence can still be threatened and this only adds to the escalating tension that is a perpetual aspect of this enthralling series. READ THE REST.

Giveaway Plus Von’s Costume Choices for Halloween

Giveaway Plus Von’s Costume Choices for Halloween

I (mistakenly) turned the keyboard over to Von for my Halloween post on Paranormal Haven. You have got to see the costumes he chose for Dante, Heather, Annie, Silver, Lucien–and himself. *slaps forehead* We’re also doing a giveaway that runs for the next 21 days! 3 signed copies of OMW and one more winner gets their choice from any of my titles.


Here’s a preview:

All righty then, Halloween or Endless Night, as it’s called here in N’awlins runs pretty much all October From bead-tossing parades (Halloween beads, y’all), to costume parties (hell, that’s pretty much year-round in the Quarter), to haunted house events so intense that kids aren’t allowed in, to drunken bacchanalias (hell, that’s also pretty much year-round), to spooky music festivals, zombie outbreaks, hoodoo, Voodoo, you’ll find it all here. And in darker corners, you might find even more than you wanted. I hear tell that there’s vampires around here. **grins**

So this year, I nagged asked the gang to let me choose the costumes for everyone. It didn’t take me long to reason with Dante. Funny how quickly a persons sees the validity of your ideas when you’re sitting on ’em. Without further ado (and what IS ado, anyway? Is it something I want?), here’s my choices for everyone.

We’re gonna have one helluva endless night! **winks**  Read the rest and see the costumes at Paranormal Haven.

Giveaway and Top Ten List on All Things Urban Fantasy

Giveaway and Top Ten List on All Things Urban Fantasy

There are a lot more shows on my DVR than ten, but I shared the top ones on All Things Urban Fantasy. I’m also giving away 3 signed copies of OMW and two signed copies of any of my titles, winner’s choice. Contest ends 10/17/13. Here’s a preview:


I enjoy watching good TV, love checking out new shows, and with DVR technology, it’s sooooo easy to record, well, everything. The other day, I was looking at my recorded programming and realized I would never have the time to watch each show, not if I planned to write on a regular basis and not if I hoped to avoid becoming a true couch potato. LOL.

It also dawned on me that there were shows that I watched immediately, eager to see what happens next and to who, and that there were shows I put off until I had nothing else to watch. No real excitement there, just a sense of duty. “Well, I’ve come this far, might as well finish the season.” What the . . . ? Why am I watching shows that don’t excite me? Why am I watching shows that I don’t look forward to?

A damned good question. Time is too short. Too valuable. So I started ruthlessly winnowing timers. Revolution-gone. Vampire Diaries-gone (to be fair, I used to enjoy this one, but it faded during the last season). Cold Justice-gone (we hardly knew ye). Super Fun Night-gone (one episode). Defiance-gone (although it had good moments, just not good enough). And so many more. I dropped from 79 timers to 34.

Read the rest and enter the giveaway at ALL THINGS URBAN FANTASY.